A lot has happened since my last Blog. I wasn't going to blog about every event but then I thought that in years from now I might want to look back. As time goes by I'm sure I will forget names, dates and other details. So I can have sort of a digital journal.
Halloween -10/31/13 on the Las Dunas Compound. The kids went trick or treating from Villa to Villa. Then there was a family halloween party where almost everyone dressed up. The costumes were very creative because we couldn't ship this kind of stuff to Saudi. There were some stores here that sold costumes but there was not very much to choose from and not very good quality. I guess people were bored and were looking for any kind of entertainment. Some of the women were very creative with the food that they brought to the party. There was good food, music, dancing, kids playing and a great time visiting with neighbors.
Skeleton Girl!
Mr. Dave and Mrs. Sherry Mcclure handing out Candy.
Very sweet couple!
Inez, Rachael, Yara, Kiana, and their friend from school
I was very surprised that stores in Saudi Arabia sold costumes. I thought it was funny that the costumes are not called Halloween costumes, instead they are called family disguises. Someone told me that she thought that there was a Saudi Holiday where the children would dress up and go door to door to receive candy.
The High School had a Halloween Party that Hannah and other kids from our compound went to until 10:00 pm. Then they joined the family party on our compound.
Harry Hitt, Frank Broeders, Jerone Tap,
Stefanie and Olivia Jens
Ana Logrono, Masja Willems, Sandra Broeders, Kerry Naquin, Analia Anton, Rosella Gadison, Corrie Dooms, Nicole Collins, Jolie' Hitt, Michelle Guillory, Me and Veronica Manoo
Bowling at Oasis Resorts with Eelco and Stefanie Jens on 11/9/13. We had so much fun going to visit, bowling, and a barbecue. Stefanie really out did herself grilling. She grilled chicken, beef kabobs, salmon, mixed veggies. Everything was so delicious. Marty was a beast bowling. I don't think I have ever seen him bowl like he did that night.
Marty was a Beast with the winning score 169
November 20, 2013 our villa flooded. Marty came to Saudi in June and didn't see a drop of rain until the Las Dunas flood. Who would have thought. Then to make the flood more interesting our villa flooded from the second floor down. I guess everything is opposite here. What a way to wake up at 2:30 in the morning. Off our master bedroom is a balcony. The balcony has 2 drains that had covers on them. Because the drains were covered when the water got high enough it started coming in our room from under the door. It took a couple of hours to clean up. We were lucky though because we woke up. Some people didn't know until morning and by that time, the water was in the other rooms upstairs and running down the stairs.
Then the school closed for the entire week. The first two days that the school was canceled it was sunny and we laughed because we couldn't believe that it was canceled because of the threat of rain. The kids still had to do school but it was called virtual school. They did all of their school on the computer from home. Each day the teacher would post their assignments for each class. It is cool because they could communicate with their teachers during the day online. They could send the teachers notes and ask questions.
There were deaths in the past when cars were caught in deep water under overpasses. The school area and other areas did flood. Saudi Arabia doesn't have a very good drainage system. And the average rain fall here is about 3 inches a year. We got that and more in one night. It rained for one week, so unexpected.
Then the school closed for the entire week. The first two days that the school was canceled it was sunny and we laughed because we couldn't believe that it was canceled because of the threat of rain. The kids still had to do school but it was called virtual school. They did all of their school on the computer from home. Each day the teacher would post their assignments for each class. It is cool because they could communicate with their teachers during the day online. They could send the teachers notes and ask questions.
There were deaths in the past when cars were caught in deep water under overpasses. The school area and other areas did flood. Saudi Arabia doesn't have a very good drainage system. And the average rain fall here is about 3 inches a year. We got that and more in one night. It rained for one week, so unexpected.

First Expat baby born on the Sadara project. Jameson Kenneth Hitt was born 11/22/13 at 3:15 a.m. Which would be 11/21/13 at 6:15 p.m. in Louisiana. We watched his 4 year old brother Conner while he made his entrance into this new world.
Harry, Jolie', Conner, and Jameson Hitt
Such a precious little family

The Expat Ladies gave Jolie' a Baby Shower. Stefanie Jens made this cute cake and cupcakes. She is very creative and her cakes are delicious. Best in Saudi! The interesting thing about having the baby shower was that many ladies from other countries didn't know what a baby shower was. So we explained and they learned something new. I look forward to learning some of their traditions from their countries.
Thanksgiving Dinner on Las Dunas Compound 11/28/13. Again, this was a Holiday that we had to explain because it is not celebrated in other countries. Everyone embraced the experience and really enjoyed it. I heard that many said that this was a good idea and a good thing. Canadians said that they do celebrate Thanksgiving but usually 3 to 4 weeks earlier. What a blessing to be able to celebrate and be thankful. It was a different experience than sharing with family at home but, enjoyed the blessing of sharing this time with our new friends. We did miss the fried turkey though! I'm so glad that Devin and Heather was able to share Thanksgiving with our family in Texas. Thank you guys for being there for our girls!
Hannah's Birthday weekend!
We celebrated the whole weekend. 11/26 - 11/29-30.
November 26, 2013 was Hannah's 16th. Birthday. We ate dinner a Las Dunas Garden's Restaurant because her favorite meal is their Bread Crumbled Chicken. Mr. Sunny surprised her with a dessert.
Friday, Nov. 29, 2013. We celebrated Hannah's Birthday in Bahrain watching "The Hunger Games, Catching Fire." Notice that in Bahrain it's a PG-"15" movie. We went shopping at the Bahrain mall, then ate Dinner at Ric's Country Kitchen. Got to eat BBQ Ribs, bacon and Marty was able to enjoy a few beers.
Saturday, Nov. 30, 2013. Hannah had a small party in the game room located on our compound. She invited some friends from school but in this country it's hard to make it to things because of transportation issues and the security process to enter other compounds. Also, one friend asked Hannah if boys were invited and when Hannah told her yes, she said that she didn't want to come because with boys at the party she would have to wear an abaya. If it were only girls she would make it and she said that she likes to dress up and not wear the abaya. I want to thank everyone who came to share in Hannah's Birthday at the game room at Las Dunas. You all really made her birthday special.

Maria Paz , Sydney Collins, Josh Collins, Sara Guillory,
Caitlin Boerdors, Noah Tap, Yara Tap, and Rachael.

A Saudi Birthday Party. Rachael was invited to a Birthday Party for one of her friends from school. Didi and her family are a very nice Saudi family. I called to RSVP and to find out details about the party. I asked if I was expected to leave Rachael or stay there with her. Didi's mom told me not to worry that Rachael would be safe and that she had plenty nannies to help. She had plans for the party to last until 5:00 pm and the plans included the girls watching a movie. So we decided to leave Rachael and go back to pick her up. Her parents were very hospitable and invited us to tour their traditional Saudi home. Her Dad also explained some of the of the important things in each room.

The materials used in the house were incredible! Rich woods, marble everywhere, stone work, the dining table was huge and had seating for 12 and extra chairs along the walls. Family and friends are very important to Saudis. The dining table took 14 months to have made and it had mother of pearl shells on the chairs and table. Like the handmade wall design of the Grand Mosaic of Israel pictured above on the left.
When we went by the kitchen area he said that it was the clean kitchen which means that no cooking is done in that kitchen. It was just for serving food. There was a separate kitchen for cooking.
Behind us on the left was a special open area with 3 sinks made of brass for guests to wash their hands. Then another area in a little room with a seating washbasin for washing their feet before prayer. There was a room for the women to gather and visit in. In that room there was a wall that had a mural made of stones which created a 3D scene. It was a little like the one in the pictures below that I am walking by of the Swan but it was an entire wall. It was amazing.
This is the indoor pool area. The pool had 2 dolphins made with tile on the bottom. The first door to the right is a room for the men to gather in to talk and smoke the Shisha. The next door goes to the back yard. When you look up toward the house in the back yard there is huge balcony coming from the master bedroom.
Taking a tour of this traditional Saudi home reminded me of the book of Exodus where the tabernacle was built with particular details and materials. Also, some of the Arabic traditions are similar. Like burning incense, not eating pork, and the robes they wear.
Rachael's school had a music concert performance on 12/17/13,
The Stars and The Planets.
Rachael really rocked the stage on this song!
Rachael started horse back riding Lessons 12/21/13. The Stables are only about 10 minutes away from our compound. The owner is a very nice Saudi man. Rachael really likes him and he allows Rachael to go with Valerie, which means Rachael gets to spend lots of time at the stable with the horses. Valerie Broeders is a very Sweet teen on our compound that volunteers and teaches at the stable. She is really good with the horses, riding, and at teaching.
Dec. 20, 2013 Devin Graduated from LSUE.
While we are on the other side of the world from our family we still try to be part of very important events in their lives. We were sad that we couldn't be at Devin's graduation but it is awesome that with technology today we were able to be there through Face Time on Chelsey's iPhone and we watched the ceremony and watched her receive her diploma. Devin graduated from LSUE with an associate degree in business. We are so Proud of her! Now she is going to the University of Lafayette Louisiana (ULL) for accounting and a HR degree.
I want to thank all of our family that went to her graduation. It really meant a lot to us and to Devin. It was as though you were standing in our place while we couldn't be there. I want to thank her sisters, her grandmothers, Uncle Wally, Uncle Lonny and Aunt Denise.
The Las Dunas ladies going to a brunch in December to celebrate a little Christmas Spirit. Once a month a group called WIG's (Women's International Group) invites us to join them for events they host. It is usually different every month. This brunch was at a restaurant called the Blue Strawberry. The food was so delicious. There was Christmas music and a Santa who gave each of us a small gift of 2 Saudi ornaments.
This is Christmas in Saudi ! LOL!
The compound Club House was decorated for all the residents to enjoy. The men who work on the compound did the decorating and they were so proud of what they did. It made them so happy to put up these decorations for us. I thought they did a great job and it was nice to have a little Christmas Spirit around here. We were not allowed to ship our christmas tree or decorations to Saudi. However we did find a store that sold "Holiday trees" and decorations. We also found some pretty unique ornaments with camels on them in the souk market. The residents of our compound collected money as a donation to give the workers on the compound a Christmas Lunch and gift cards for minutes on their cell phones to be able to call home.
Dubai Mall Winter Wonderland

Now off to Paris from 12/23 through 1/8/14 to celebrate with all of our girls! It's bitter sweet because it will probably be our last family vacation all together as a family of seven. Next year at this time 2 of our 5 daughters will be married.
Stay tuned for our Paris adventure!